I have recently experienced a lot of funny business in the computers category. I recently spoke with many people using craigslist that were experiencing problems with a small business selling computers that were very cheap and good memory. The only problem was if the felt you were a threat the would cut you off of their calling list. Basically if you called before for an item and had a problem or they for some reason thought you were a problem they would block your number from ever calling their company. They carry an alright business but it causes customers to be ify of their business. They have you sign an agreement that at anytime if they feel they will black you out, not like beat up black out. Please don't get any of my phrases wrong.
I write this in hopes that I can provide some helpful tips on when purchasing items on craigslist you get your dollars worth and don't have to deal with non working objects later on.
Look up the item online, the specs, the retail price and also the reviews that others are giving this item.
When getting the item please, please, make sure this item is working, check for scratches, cracks, and even paused computers. Most items bought on craigslist unless from a licensed store don't have warranty, exchanges or money back.
When purchasing a computer that has been used by owner I'm not sure how to say this but your putting your money at risk unless you are computer savvy. If you aren't computer savvy do your research on viruses and things of that nature to make sure you're no purchasing a 'lemon item'. Lemon items are items that are bought but have dis functions that cause you to spend more money on fixing it with the same business where they charge you or spend money on your own. If the item needs fixing do your research and find out how much will you have to spend on fixing the item plus purchasing it. If you feel it is still worth it then go right ahead. Who am I to stop you but put some kind of sense in your head on thinking before you buy.
If you are trying so sell something or even post something on craigslist I have noticed alot of trouble for those individuals that carry prepaid cell phones unable to post on craigslist. Not sure why they need you to verify phone numbers but people are still managing to figure it out.
Wish you all the best in your Craigslist transactions. And please don't receive money orders, checks they can be either a scam or they are just trying to burn you. Cash transactions only, make sure you make that clear before you start a gig with the client you will be working for.
Another thing, I have recently decided not to recieve anymore donations due to the fact I am not yet a certified not for profit organization yet. But when the time comes I will let everyone know.